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7407 Stage 1 Teacher Training – Week 4 Notes


7407 – Stage 1 
Lesson 04 
Date Tuesday, 01 October 2002

  Main Points covered today:   Today: Recap of last week’s material.Session Planning..Whats the point? 

  • To provide clear learning goals and outcomes
  • To prevent veering off-track
  • Time

 What to we need to know about session planning? 

  • We need to develop lesson plans

image001 A fail to plan, is a plan to fail  Aims and Outcomes When we come out to observe you we will look very critically at your Aims and Outcomes. An aim is a statement of intent. An aim is not measurable. The aim is a general “overview” of what will be learned.

  • “Learners will be aware of…”
  • “They will have knowledge of…”

  An outcome describes what the learner will be able to do at the end of the session. An outcome is measurable.

  • “Learners will be able to…”

  SMART outcomes. We talk about our outcomes as being smart. This means they are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Trackable / time constrained

 When Kirsten says your outcomes need to be smart, it means the above list. With time constrained Kirsten wants to see that there are time allocations for a certain activity. Allocating time for each activity so that you do not “go off the beaten track”  3 Domains When we are actually planning our sessions there are 3 areas that we need to plan within. When thinking about outcomes, think about the three domains.  Cognitive Domain Affective Domain Psychomotor Domain Knowledge Attitude Skills Simulation DemonstrateWritten questions RoleplayHandouts VideoDiscussionsGroup activity To become professionalsProjects / Assignments show them what it islike being professional.  Lesson plans need to be planned out within the three domains. Illustrative Verbs for Specific Objectives Cognitive Domain 

  • Knowledge
    • Defines, describes, identifies, labels, lists, names, outlines, selects
  • Comprehensions
    • Converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalises, gives new examples, infers, paraphrases, summarises
  • Application
    • Changes, computes, demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies, predicts, prepares, produces, relates, shows, solves, uses
  • Higher than Application (Analysis, synthesis & evaluation)
    • Breaks down, discriminates, infers, outlines, relates, separates, Categorises, combines, devises, designs, modifies, plans, rewrites, summarises, Appraises, compares, concludes, justifies

 Affective Domain 

  • Affective

 Psychomotor Domain 

  • Psychomotor

  AIMS AND OUTCOMES Note: Aims – IntentOutcomes – what the student will actually be able to do Which of the following are the aims and which are the outcomes? Aim Objective 

  1. To introduce the students to the concept of education
  2. Students will wire a 13 amp plug in the workshop to required safety standards
  3. To give students an introduction to Information Technology
  4. Students will design a questionnaire for market research purposes and use it on a sample of the general public
  5. Given ten thermometers reading different temperatures, students will read each thermometer with accuracy
  6. To explain the differences between aims and outcomes
  7. City and Guilds 7307 students will write outcomes containing 3 components of their own lesson
  8. Students will use the internet to research 4 artists using similar working methods
  9. To commence an analysis of the effect of colour on white objects
  10. To improve students confidence in interview techniques

   Second part of lesson Lesson plan Design one of your lessons     Task 102 given this week Due: Week 8 (5 weeks) Session plan and teaching Prepare session plans or individual action plans for 4 hours teaching and deliver at least one session, which will be observed. In a nutshell: Effectively evaluate how the lessons have gone, especially the observed lesson. Refer to feedback. Make effective changes, taking into consideration that you have evaluated your learners needs. Write a rationale for the lesson plans – Reasons why have you done themThe lesson plansEvaluate (see week 5) – What changes you are going to makeGoal of Session Planning 

  • Aims / outcomes
  • Reference to content or subject matter
  • Times (Start and Finish)
  • Content / Jargon

  Lesson Plan  

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