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7407 Stage 1 Unit Task Descriptions

Unit TasksUnit 101Unit 101: Assess Learners Needs Unit SummaryCompletion of the Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area A: Assessing Learners Needs  Key AreasA1      identify and plan for the needs of potential learnersA2      make an initial assessment of learners needs  AssessmentAssignment 1 Describe how the group or series of individuals that you will be teaching, their learning needs, barriers to learning and how consideration of these and similar issues will affect the planning of your teaching. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards below and that it includes appropriate product evidence. GuidanceThis Unit asks you to assess learners’ needs as described above in assignment 1. Suggested evidenceUse this checklist as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment.

  • The context in which the learning group/or individuals operate in is described
  • Name and purpose of the group/or individual is identified
  • Detail of the group and/or individuals are included: number, age gender etc
  • Details of special learning needs are discussed, i.e. ability etc
  • Details of any barriers and how you will overcome them are discussed
  • Students motivation and goals are identified
  • Relevant previous experience and qualifications of the learners are described

 Unit 102Unit 102: Session plan and teaching Unit SummaryCompletion of the Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area B: Planning and preparing teaching and learning programmes for groups and individuals, Key Area C: Developing and using a range of teaching and learning techniques and Key Area D: Managing the learning process. Key AreasB1      Identify the required outcomes of the learning programmeB2      Identify appropriate teaching and learning techniquesC1      Promote and encourage individual learningC3      Facilitate learning through experienceD1      Establish and maintain an effective learning environmentD2      Plan and structure learning activities  AssessmentAssignment 2 Prepare session plans of individual action plans for 4 hours teaching and deliver at leas tone session, which will be observed. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards listed below and that it includes the appropriate product evidence. GuidanceThis Unit asks you to prepare and evaluate session plans for 4 hours teaching and deliver at least one session which will be observed. The lesson plan should include details of: learning aims and objectives, content, teaching learning strategies, resources and assessment. You will need to negotiate in advance for this session to be observed by your tutor. In your lesson evaluation you should include a review of the alternative approaches considered and comment on the effectiveness of your planning, including the extent to which the learning objectives were achieved, and the responses and attitudes of the learners, indicate any modifications you could make to increase the effectiveness of this lesson. Suggested evidenceUse this checklist as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment.

  • Aims and learning objectives are clearly stated
  • Teaching/learning strategies and resources are included in the plan
  • Methods of testing learners learning and giving feedback are detailed
  • The three important states: Introduction, development and consolidation/conclusion of the lesson are evident in the plan and in practice
  • Responses and attitudes of learners are reviewed
  • Effectiveness of the lesson is evaluated and alternative approaches are considered
  • Tutors observation report is included

Unit 103Unit 103: Teaching and learning activities Unit SummaryCompletion of this Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standards: Key Area C: Developing and using a range of teaching and learning techniquesand Key Area D: Managing the learning process. Key AreasC1      promote and encourage individual learningD2      plan and structure learning activities AssessmentAssignment 3Review then range of teaching and learning activities available to you and use one or more of these using your teaching. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards listed below and that it also includes appropriate product evidence. GuidanceThis Unit asks you to review the range of teaching and learning activities (minimum of three) available to you and use one or more of these activities in your teaching practice. Examples of different activities might include lectures, formal instruction, demonstration, discussion, group work, question and answer sessions, seminars, projects, practical work, role play. Justify why you use these methods in the chosen context. Describe the particular advantages and disadvantages of the selected methods. Describe how the methods used to relate to the learning objectives and ability levels of the students in each case and review what alternative strategies you could have used. Suggested evidencePlease use the checklist below as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment.

  • Three different activities are identified and described
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each activity are discussed
  • The relationship between the chosen activities, learning objectives and ability levels of the students in each case is discussed.
  • The effectiveness of one or more of your chosen activities as used in your teaching is evaluated.

Unit 104Unit 104: Select Resources Unit SummaryCompletion of the Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area D: Managing the learning process. Key areasD5      select and develop resources to support learning AssessmentAssignment 4 Review the range of resources available to you and prepare and use on of them in your teaching. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards listed below and that it includes appropriate product evidence. GuidanceThis Unit requires you to review the range of resources (minimum of three) available to you and prepare and use one of them in your teaching. These may be for example: worksheets, charts, overhead projection transparencies, working models or examples, games, slides, photographs, audio tapes, video tapes, computer activities. Use these resources in a relevant and effective way in your teaching session and evaluate their effectiveness. Suggested evidenceUse this checklist to ensure that you have met all the suggested evidence for this task

  • Three different teaching/learning resources are identified and described
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each activity are discussed
  • The effectiveness of one or more of your chosen resources used in your teaching is evaluated.

 Unit 105Unit 105: Learner Support Unit SummaryCompletion of the Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area E: Provide learners with support.  Key AreasE4 Provide personal support to learners  AssessmentAssignment 5 Briefly describe how you managed and supported learners during your teaching. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards below and that it includes appropriate product evidence. GuidanceThis Unit asks you to briefly describe how you managed and supported learners during your teaching. Suggested evidencePlease use the checklist below as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment.

  • A description of how you supported your learners is provided
  • Further supportive and guidance opportunities are identified
  • Observed session is analysed and discussed
  • The meeting of professional requirements is discussed
  • Teachers views on observed lesson are recorded and discussed
  • Key points of your learning are identified
  • Ways in which this experience will influence your practice are described.

 Unit 106Unit 106: Assessment Activity Unit Summary Completion of this Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area F: Assessing the outcomes of learning and learners achievements. Key areasf1      use appropriate assessment methods to measure learning and achievementf2      make use of assessment information  AssessmentAssignment 6   Describe, use and reflect on an assessment activity (or activities) that you have used to review the progress of either an individual learner or a group of learners. Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards listed below and that it also includes any appropriate, product evidence. GuidanceDescribe, use and reflect on an assessment activity (or activities) that you used to review the progress of either individual learners or a group of learners. Suggested evidencePlease use the checklist below as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment activity is described

  • appropriateness of the activity is discussed
  • the effectiveness of the assessment is evaluated

 Assessment criteria 

Key area of FENTO met in completion of this assignmentf 1     use appropriate assessment methods of measure learning and achievement covering the FENTO standards listed below 
Occupational standards criteriae       create realistic and relevant assessment activities which encourage learning as well as assessing specified outcomes which meet college and external requirements. 
Evidence presentedDate:  Evidence acceptedDate:

Unit 107Unit 107: Self‑evaluation Unit Summary Completion of this Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: Key Area G: Reflecting upon and evaluating one's own       performance andplanning future practice. Key areasg1      evaluate one's own practiceg2      plan for future practice  AssessmentAssignment 7   Keep a Professional Development Journal that enables you to personally reflect upon your experience during both your teaching and the Stage One programme. At the end of the Stage One programme, complete the attached summary profile based on the eight key areas of teaching of the FENTO standards and considers your future CPD (.Continuing Professional Development) needs Please ensure that this assignment covers the FENTO standards listed below and that it also includes any appropriate, product evidence. GuidanceThis unit asks you to summarise your learning during the Stage One programme and to identify future learning needs. Suggested evidencePlease use the checklist below as a guide to the evidence of competence you should be submitting within this assignment professional development journal summative profile Assessment criteria 

Key area of FENTO met in completion of this assignmentg 1    evaluate one's own practice covering, the FENTO standards listed below 
Occupational standards criteriaf         evaluate their own skills against what is required in teaching 
Evidence presentedDate:  Evidence acceptedDate:


Key area of FENTO met in completion of this assignmentg2      plan for future practice covering the FENTO standards listed below 
Occupational standards criteriaf         how to plan teachers own personal development and how personal development fits intowider organisation strategies 
Evidence presentedDate:  Evidence acceptedDate:

 Unit 108Unit 108: Observe a teacher Unit SummaryCompletion of the Stage One assignment will ensure that you have considered important aspects of the following FENTO standard: key Area H: Meeting professional requirements. “This is the underpinning competence that supports and informs all other processes. Teachers and teaching team needs to be effective in applying ethics and values of the teaching profession when working with learners and colleagues and in fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities as teachers. Among other things, teachers should recognise the diversity of student’s needs and aspiration, understanding and apply the concept of inclusive learning and encourage learner autonomy as well as reflecting the vocational and educations ethics of FE” (key area H of the FENTO standard) AssessmentAssignment 8 Write an assignment (of between 800-1000 words) in which you describe and reflect upon the observed professional practice of an experienced teacher. GuidanceThis Unit requires you to arrange to observe an experienced teacher within your subject area. Plan to meet with the teacher before the session to gain background information about the students. Discuss the observed lesson with the teacher. Reflect on what you have learned from the experience and identify ways in which it will influence your practice. Try to make it clear to the teacher and students that you are not there to make value judgements and remember that however unobtrusive you are your presence will change the dynamics of the session. Suggested evidenceUse this checklist to ensure that you have met all the suggested evidence for this task

  • Context of observed session is clearly described
  • Observed session is analysed and discussed
  • The meeting of professional requirements is discussed
  • Teachers view on observed lesson are recorded and discussed
  • Key points of your learning are identified
  • Ways in which this experience will influence your practice are described.